Leptin Resistance

The Leptin System and Diet: A Mini Review of the Current Evidence Department of Nutrition, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, United States Leptin promotes satiety and modulates energy balance and weight. Diet-induced obesity leads to leptin…

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What is leptin?

What is leptin? Leptin is a hormone your adipose tissue (body fat) releases that helps your body maintain your normal weight on a long-term basis. It does this by regulating hunger by providing the sensation of satiety (feeling full). Hormones…

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Twitching (Tetany)

3 causes of Twitching: Alkalosis: Means low Calcium in Blood Stream. It can be caused by:Low Vitamin KLow HCL in the stomachHigh CortisolBeing in Diuretics Hypocalcemia: Low PTH and Low Vitamin DTingling (finger, mounth)ArrhythmiaPysychosisLow Blood Press* PTH (Substance made by…

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