Over 50’s – Keto Diet – Sweeteners

Over 50’s – Keto Diet – Sweeteners


Any kind of sugar makes you hungry. Does not matter the kind of sugar or sweeteners. Diet induced obesity leads to Leptin Resistance, which makes you exacerbating overeating.

Leptin promotes satiety and modulates energy balance and weight. Diet-induced obesity leads to leptin resistance, exacerbating overeating.
The relationship between diet and leptin, which suggests that addressing leptin resistance through dietary interventions can contribute to counteracting obesity.

Studies in animals and humans show that diets high in fat (vegetable oils), carbohydrates, fructose, and sucrose, and low in protein are drivers of leptin resistance.

Despite methodological heterogeneity pertaining to this body of literature, experimental studies show that energy-restricted diets can reduce leptinemia both in the short and long term and potentially reverse leptin resistance in humans.

By:  Department of Nutrition, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, United States

Leptin has a more profound effect when you lose weight. As your body fat (adipose tissue) decreases, your leptin levels decrease, which signals your body to think that it’s starving. This stimulates intense hunger and appetite and can lead to increased food consumption

From: Cleveland Clinic

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