Twitching (Tetany)

3 causes of Twitching:

  1. Alkalosis: Means low Calcium in Blood Stream. It can be caused by:
    Low Vitamin K
    Low HCL in the stomach
    High Cortisol
    Being in Diuretics
  2. Hypocalcemia: Low PTH and Low Vitamin D
    Tingling (finger, mounth)
    Low Blood Press
    * PTH (Substance made by the parathyroid gland that helps the body store and use calcium.)
  3. Hypomagnesemia

The 3 Causes Of Eye Twitching (Tetany)

The 3 main causes of twitching or tetany.
It could be in the arm or on face.

There’s 3 main causes
One is alkalosis. This is a condition where the body is too alkaline.
Particularly the blood. That’s very difficult to test the pH of your blood.
Because as soon as you pull it out it oxidizes and it changes the PH.

There’s several causes to alkalosis.
One is decrease potassium in the diet.
Number two is not enough hydrochloric acid in your stomach.
Also cortisol which is triggered by stress.
Being on a diuretic you can lose potassium.
About 40% of your calcium is transported through a protein called albumin.
The calcium binds very tightly to that protein.
And it becomes unavailable to the body when the pH of blood is a little alkaline.

Calcium is one of the electrolytes.
Low levels of calcium cause problem with transmission of nerve and muscle impulses.
And it can cause twitching.
The connection between alkalosis and twitching is really the calcium.
What it makes more sense to take more calcium, because calcium especially in the form of calcium carbonate like Limestone is very alkalizing.
In fact it make worse. because the body is already alkaline.
What you have to do is drop the pH.
If you’re on any acids that’s going to alkalize the body.
And that could be causing the alkalosis as well.

Next thing is hypocalcemia that’s low calcium in the blood.
Hypocalcemia could be coming from low parathyroid hormone or low vitamin D.
Which is probably the more common cause.
Some of the symptoms of hypocalcemia are tingling in the tips of the fingers, around the mouth, on toes and bottom of the feet.
Arrhythmias of the heart palpitations, psychosis, depression, anxiety, low blood pressure and the last one is hypomagnesemia.

The number one to acidify the stomach is apple cider vinegar.
Start consuming two tablespoons in a glass of water with the straw a few times a day.
And take betaine hydrochloride.
If your hydrochloric acid is low.
And take it right before eat it.
It’ll help your digestion.

Going to allow the calcium to unbind from the protein.
The calcium will start to help in the normal contraction or relaxation process.
Number two add magnesium and potassium eating vegetables.
Number three add some vitamin D. That will increase the calcium.
If you’re low lower stress of course get a water filter. Instead of drinking tap water so.
You can pull out the fluorine and also get a shower filter so you can filter out the fluorides as well.


3 Causes of Twitching

  • Alkalosis: Means low Calcium in Blood Stream
  • Hypocalcemia: Low PTH and Low Vitamin D
  • Hypomagnesemia

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