Calories do not matter.

A lot of people say Calories Matter. Calories in calories out.
The balance of this should be less calories in to more calories expended. 
Calories deficit is the key to lose weight” ! ???

Counting Calories Is A Ridiculous Way To Try And Lose Weight

Dr. Fung

The question I’m asking is are all calories equally fattening and the answer is no the calorie of brownies is not the same as a calorie of kale it’s just not that’s just common sense but yet we tried to pretend that they’re the same so if it’s not about calories it’s really about our hormonal response to those calories which is completely different depending on the different foods that we eat but it depends on a

Lot of different things calories is a very simple measure and that’s really what is appealing about it because not only does it tie together all different foods in a single measure but you can also tie in things like exercise and these sort of things are very appealing to companies that sell sugary beverages for example so they can say okay if you exercise then it’s okay to drink sugar sweetened beverages because you’ve just exercised there’s a fundamental flaw in

This whole energy balance equation the energy balance equation says that body fat equal Cal equals calories and minus calories out so we what we take from that is that we assume that if we simply reduce the amount of calories we take in that we’re going to reduce our body fat but that’s not actually true that’s not actually what the equation says so there’s actually two parts to it the calories in and calories out so the question really is if you reduce your

Calories taken in does your calories that your body expends stay stable and the answer is no and we’ve known this for about a hundred years so you can look at studies done in 1917 where they take volunteers and they reduced the number of calories that they eat by roughly 30% then they measure their basal metabolic rate which is the amount of calories that they’re burning on a day to day basis and what you find is that the body has reduced its energy

Expenditure by about 30 percent so if you’re taking 30% less calories in and your body is using 30% less then you’re not going to lose any body fat which was the whole point of the exercise and this is the really the failure of this sort of calories and calories out model is that they’re not independent variables the calories in and the calories that are not independent of each other they go up and down together so simply focusing in on

The calories leads you to fail in your efforts to lose body fat.

by NBC News 2018

Calories do not matter. FAT = Calories in – Calories out
A biometric study of human basal metabolism, by J. Arthur Harris and Francis G Benedict – Carnegie Institution of Washington- communicate on October 8th, 1918)

Jason Fung

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